Saturday, November 24, 2012

Song #28: "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister

        "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister is another rock and roll song that can be considered transcendental. The song is about exactly what the title says: rebellion. It tells the story of generations past and generations to come that aren't willing to give up their rights and won't take being pushed down, much like transcendentalists, in the lines "We're not gonna take it anymore. We've got the right to choose and there ain't no way we'll lose it. This is our life, this is our song. We'll fight a 1000 legions, don't pick our destiny 'cause you don't know us, you don't belong."

1 comment:

  1. This song is a great example and can easily be considered transcendental. It reflects on the self reliant aspects, along with the civil disobedience and pro individualism aspects of transcendentalism. They are saying that they will not do what others want them to do and that they're "not gonna take it". I do not know who this song is directed to, but they say that their "best won't do". They also mentioned how they were right and free, very similarly to how Emerson and others believed.
